Thursday, December 17, 2009

Amazon Adventure Day 26 – Sea Day

Well the adventure is winding down as we have only six more days before we have to face reality. The question is really what is that reality? Is it the -46 C of a few days ago? I sure hope not. Last year I was able to skate around most of winters nasty surprises. However as there much fewer breaks scheduled this year I think I am going to have to suck it up.

Hopefully I can find a decent internet connection and post some of the posts. They are all typed out and on my USB drive. However most high speed here in the Caribbean means Island Time, which for those of you haven’t been here it means slow. Posting pictures is almost impossible. As I am almost computer illiterate shrinking the pictures down is beyond my ability.

Bridgetown is a beautiful place. The sand here is pure white and the weather the perfect. I guess that they get hurricanes here so I suppose it has its down side but today it is wonderful. The beer is cold and cheap ($1.00). The cab ride into town was great and we wandered around looking though the local shops hoping to find a treasure not made in China. However as this is a big stop for all of the cruise ships it was not too likely. I thought I may find a new game for my PSP but they are twice the money of back home in Wal Mart. Go Figure.


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