Friday, July 8, 2022

Worland to Buffalo July 7 2022

Worland to Buffalo

July 7 2022

The nervous energy amongst the riders was so strong you could feel it crackling off the walls at breakfast. This was the big one the ride which everyone had been dreading or anticipating or both ever since they signed up for the tour.  Today’s ride took us over the Powder River Pass. It is the highest point on the tour at 9666 feet.  It has the most elevation gain at 8890 feet and is 94 miles long.  In short the toughest day on the entire coast to Coast ride.  It is the last of the big three passes on the C2C and by far the most challenging.

From breakfast it is approximately 30 miles before you start the climb. Once at the base of the climb you enter this canyon which winds up the Big Horn mountains.  The views along the canyon are totally amazing with towering cliffs which are several hundreds of feet above your head.  The road through the canyon is primarily 6% grade and it continues for 20 of the 25 mile climb. It was a great day for this ride as it was quite cool in the morning and there was no wind.  There was even a little cloud cover to help keep the heat down.  Picnic was at the 48 mile mark and I was certainly glad to roll into lunch.  I was alos really glad to have the 34 small front ring coupled to the 34 large rear ring.  The 1:1 drive made to climb totally possible. 

After lunch is was about 8 miles to the summit but the grades were in the 2-6% range. You are now right at the tree level and there were wide open meadows filled with wild flowers.  When I got to the summit Barry was there and talking to a couple in a Mercedes van.  I rolled up and they had a Bouvier De Flanders who was in the door way. It was great to scratch the big woolly head of such a friendly dog.  She was an absolutely the same as Barry’s dog “Dolly”

Quick photos under the summit sign and on our was as the wind was howling. 

The decent from the summit was no piece of cake as there was a second summit 8 miles further and then 5 really steep descents followed by 5 really steep climbs. Each of the steep descents were in the order of 8% making them on the edge of scary.  In the meantime black thunder clouds are building over head and threatening.  Fortunately they held off and I only got about a hundred drops.

As I finally rolled into the Buffalo school I was totally exhausted.  The thunderheads were letting loose with the odd bolt of lightning so I hurriedly set my tent up. 

Longest, toughest and last of the big three passes (Stevens Pass, Jackson Pass and Powder River) done.





Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Congratulations Terry. That's an incredible climb. Glad you didn't get rained on much.

Agnes said...

Whew, that's done! Where are the pics of the dog!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Although there will be hills, it's all downhill (generally) from here to the east coast. Good job on a tough ride.

Calgary Ken C.

Anonymous said...

Well done!!

Sayulitacoug said...

Nice job, Terry. Sometimes you just need to grit your teeth and get it done.

Mike B