Thursday, July 14, 2022

Rapid City to Interior SD July 14, 2022

Rapid City to Interior SD

July 14, 2022

The forecast for today was hotter than Hades but not as hot as Phoenix, with a wind out of the north changing to the west.  As the mileage for today’s ride was only 72.8 miles with climb of only 1130 feet, nobody was worried about the mileage but everyone was worried about the heat.

With luggage loaded and breakfast eaten I was on the road by 6:33 Am.  I think this is the earliest that I have been on the road yet.  At this time of day it was really pleasant at about 75F.  The wind hadn’t come up yet.  As I turned east on hwy 16 east it was a really busy four lane road.  Fortunately 90% of the traffic was headed into town and I was going out of town.  About 6 miles out most of the traffic had disappeared and it became a two lane road. 

It wasn’t the most scenic route as it was just a highway through large pasture land.  In the very far distance you could see some hills.  This continued all the way through to picnic which was in the village of Scenic.  It looks like the town is pretty much abandoned.  All of the stores are closed and most of the houses seem to be derelict.  Picnic was in the community hall grounds and it is the only thing which seemed to be in use.  I had arrived at picnic at 9:33 and already most of the riders were there.  The special of the day at picnic was gazpacho soup. One of my absolute favourites.  After a couple of bowls full I was back on the road at 9:55 AM with only 31.1 miles to go.

The highlight of the after picnic ride was the route cut through a corner of Badlands National Park.  It was just a taste to the things to come on tomorrow’s ride through the Badlands Nation Park. 

Even though the wind had picked up considerably and was providing a tremendous tail wind I was glad to turn into camp, the 99 F temperature was so draining.  In camp the luggage needed to be unloaded fortunately there were a lot of riders to help so it went quickly.  By now the wind is really howling and I had a 45 minute wrestling match trying to get my tent set up.  I can’t say I have ever had such a difficult time.

I am really hoping that this wind is going to blow some of the heat away. 




Anonymous said...

Howdy Terry. Greetings from Portland, Oregon. A lot cooler here than your pilgrimage into the badlands of South Dakota. I wish I was strong enough to be with you. Hang in there and be safe.
David A

Anonymous said...

Not much in Interior either, as I recall. Prairie, wind, heat and a great caterer. Enjoy the Badlands Friday.

Calgary Ken C.

Anonymous said...

I like the picture of you. When I first saw it...I thought it said BADASS LANDS...which I thought was fitting for you to take your picture with 😜

Anonymous said...

This is Chris btw