Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Sparta to Baraboo July 27, 2022

Sparta to Baraboo

July 27, 2022

Today was one of the highlights of the tour as we were riding the Elroy-Sparta trail and the 400 State Trail.  I have been looking forward to this day since we started the tour.

The days started with breakfast in Ginny’s Cupboard.  This is probably the best breakfast on the tour.  Ginny’s Cupboard is a restaurant in Sparta which is crowed with antiques of every description, from antique toys to old electronic devices and old kitchen appliances whose use is long forgotten.  Breakfast highlighted fresh off the grill French toast made with thick sliced homemade bread and heaps of bacon. What a great feast.

I was really pleased that my long-time friend Ed W. was going to get to ride the whole day and so Ed and I rolled out together.   First stop on the ride was a photo of the giant Ben Biken at the head of the trail.  The trails are not paved so there was a lot of concern that the rain last night would make the trail too wet.  However, the trail was in great shape. 

Before long we were at the first of the three tunnels.  The first tunnel is over a mile long and is somewhat rough inside. Therefore, you have to walk the tunnel. It was really wet in the tunnel as all the ground water was dripping into the tunnel.  However, it was a lot of fun, and you could hear my bark echoing way down the inside of the tunnel.  I was sorry to come to the end.  The next two tunnels are much shorter but are still close to a half mile long.  More barking and having fun.

After we got to the end of the Elroy-Sparta trail we came to the 400 State Trail.  It was in great shape as well.  It was so nice to cruise along with no cars.

Ed and I cruised into the school in Baraboo which is quite unique as it is built into a hillside and has a commanding view of the Baraboo valley. We finished the day with 74 miles and 1657 feet of climb.

What a great day.




Anonymous said...

The Elroy-Sparta trail was a great ride. Wisconsin had plenty of the nicest paved, low traffic, country back-roads; perfect for cycling.

Glad to see Ed getting a full ride day with you.

Have a good week.

Calgary Ken C.

Anonymous said...

Couldn’t Ed get electrocuted riding his e-bike in wet tunnels? Was there a buzzing sound in competition with your bark?