Thursday, August 9, 2018

August 9, 2018 Oswego to Adams Center NY

After a lot of hard days with 80 + miles we finally got an easy day with only 68 miles and 2160 feet of climb.  It seemed like we were getting a day off.  

Breakfast was an on your own affair as Greg had given us some cash to go and find breakfast.  Auzzie Bob and I elected to keep it simple and we hit Mac D’s.  While not the big meals we have been eating, it was a nice change from egg Bake. 

When we got out on the road we were pleased to find a very nice steady wind out of the west at 15-20 mph.  This made the first 25 miles while we were going NE  just fly by.  We whizzed by first water and were up in a little town of Pulaski in no time flat.  So Bob and I rolled into a local diner and had a cup of coffee. 

From Pulaski we had to head about 6 miles NW and they were tough miles as the wind was almost full on head wind.   From there we turned north along Highway 3 which kind of follows the coast of Lake Ontario. The wind was almost a cross wind, at times a quartering tail wind and at times a quartering head wind.  Highway 3 was quite busy however we had a good shoulder which was in good condition.  This enabled us to travel along at around 15 mph. 

The nicest part was along the lake through Henderson’s Harbour.  Both sides of the road have summer cottages with beautiful views to the lake.  Being such a beautiful day it was easy to imagine oneself sitting in one of the rockers, sipping lemonade, and enjoying the view.  I told Bob it would be a perfect spot to spend Australian winters.  I would come every year.  He agreed and finally picked out this magnificent two story which had a five car garage. 

Picnic was in Westcott Beach State Park.  I remember this spot so well as it is so idyllic with huge trees and miles of sand beach.  For lunch Tom, our new picnic hand, had made gazpacho soup which was so cool and refreshing.   I finally had to stop after the third bowl.  I then went to work on the fresh fruit which was laid out.  Peaches, apricots, cherries, grapes and of course watermelon.   Getting back on the bike was a tough job as I could have just lay on one of the benches and had a nap.

With 12 miles to go to camp we rolled down 11 where there was the one and only place to stop in Adams Center.  It was called Spooky Hill Grill.  It was kind of a big garage affair with two garage doors which turned it into a patio kind of a place.  We had a quick beer and rolled into town. 

The school is a beauty with lots of places to camp and in the cafeteria they have laid out white linen table cloths and flowers on the tables.  We just are not use to such luxury.

What a great day it was today.  Temperatures in the mid 70’s with a nice smooth road and some beautiful sights. 

Time is ticking down fast as there are only 8 ride days left. 



Judy Teague said...

What a wonderful day, well-deserved day!
Enjoy the last 8 days, savor the journey, the adventure🚴‍♂️

Anonymous said...

Tablecloths and flowers; perhaps you need to "dress up for dinner"!!!

Keep up the good work.

Canada Ken C.

Jurg said...

I am glad to see that you do not suffer from severe injuries from the collision with that little tractor yesterday...
It seems that you managed well the change from yesterday's rainy and tough day to todays perfect day. Hope you realize and enjoy that you are a bit spolied...but you deserve it!
By the time you read this comment, there will be only 7 ride days left :-(

I had to fix a flat at Rita's bike today. Fortunately it occured over night, not while riding.