Thursday, August 2, 2018

August 2, 2018 Memphis MI to West Lorne Ont Canada

The ferry which we usually take into Canada at Marine City was damaged by ice last winter and is out of commission so we were diverted south to a ferry at Algonac.  This added about 10 miles to the days ride bringing it to 88 miles and 520 feet of climb.  The rides this week have all been long and it is showing on all of the riders.

Bob and I rolled out of the school where we were staying and were almost immediately on a very busy commuter road.  Most of the road had no shoulder and with so many big trucks it was kind of scary.  Although I have to say that in general they were all very polite pulling way over into the far lane and giving us a wide berth.  Some vehicles slowed right down to pace behind us until they could use the oncoming lane. 

By mile 19 we were at Lake St Clair.  It was very pretty and lined with holiday cabins, although cabins gives the impression of smaller buildings.  Most of these cabins were pretty grand. There were lots of places where canals had been dredged out so that even more cabins with dock spaces could be built.   There were also lots of marinas which lots of boats ranging from dinghies to huge cabin cruisers.

When we arrived at the Algonac ferry there were quite a few riders already there so Bob and I fell in line. The trip across the river into Canada was only a few minutes and the check in through Canadian customs was pretty quick.  Scan the passport and on your way.

At this point we had covered only 30 miles but Bob wanted to have his first Tim Hortons coffee and donut so we pulled into to the first one we saw. 

Picnic was at the 49 mile mark in a very pretty little town called Dresden.  As we had stopped for coffee most of the riders were there already but there was still lots to eat.  Schuli had made tuna salad and it was great.  Between the tuna salad and the huge selection of fresh fruit I rolled out of picnic felling over stuffed.

With 39 miles to go and the clouds starting to look like a thunder head was building Bob and I hustled on. In Ontario there are no paved shoulders.  They have only 6 foot wide gravel shoulders which are groomed from time to time. This means you are out in traffic all the time.  The road network is laid out in an east-west and north-south grid so while headed east we had a quartering head wind and while headed north a quartering tail wind.   While headed east you could make about 15 mph and while headed north around 23 mph.

I was glad to get in my nerves were shot from all the heavy traffic and the long day.   Luggage wasn’t unloaded yet so when Greg started unloading it the campers pitched in to help but the floor floppers just stood there until their bags came off and then they took them and went inside.  I guess they must think they are special. 

I was more than a little surprised to see Ken sitting in Greg’s van when I arrived.  He wasn’t feeling well and decided to take a bump.  Definitely a good idea as we still have a 14 ride days and a lot of miles.  The one thing you want is to be there at the end.

Tomorrow’s 85 mile day is apparently now a 98 mile day as some bridge is out and we are taking a detour, or at least that is the rumor mill. The 508 mile week is getting longer and longer.

Terry hot biker


Anonymous said...

Terry, just catching up on the blog after a couple of days camping and disconnected. I remember Greg telling us that week 7 is "cranky week", as the ride is starting to wear people down.

As I recall, the roads got rougher and busier the farther east you got.

Keep up the good work.

Canada Ken C.

Jurg said...

Terry, please consider the following:
You have paid a fix price for this tour. You get free extra miles almost every day. I am sure you have a smile on your face now.
And after your 10th C2C? No, you won't get a bonus, i.e. the 11th for free, bacause you had it already over the years! And I won't blame you fake news if you are telling everybody you cycled 11 c2c's ;-)
PS as I understand you are alredy guaranteed your tomorrow's free miled, lucky man you!

Howard Brown said...

I cannot imagine riding so often, as far as you do. Good job!

Unknown said...

Hot and humid today Terry. At one point I was 28 miles away from you. Went for a drive along the St Clair river on old Hwy 40. Would have met you at the ferry crossing had I known when you were crossing. Have yourself a good ride tomorrow and stay hydrated.

Sharon said...

Hi Terry, just caught up with your blogs; wow, what a trip and the pictures are great!