Saturday, August 11, 2018

August 11, 2018 Star Lake to Lake Placid NY

The cater who was bringing breakfast to us this morning was late.  Breakfast was to be served at 7:00 Am and by 7:30 there was no sign of the cater.  So Bob and I decided to roll with the idea that we would pick something up along the way.   Then just as we kicked off the cater showed up. Apparently she had gotten a speeding ticket and was held up.  However the booster engines were already lit and it was too late.   About 10 miles down the road we found a gas station where a coffee and a large apple turn over became breakfast.

First water at the 20 mile mark was half way to picnic and I was starting to feel hungry.  My 6000 calorie a day diet needs a lot of shoveling to keep the fires burning.  However there was nothing along the way.  In addition the first half of the ride to picnic was relatively flat. There were still lots of large hills but the grade was low enough that you did not have to shift all the way to low gear to make it over them.  The second half to picnic had several large hills which were big grinders, where you just had to get into low gear and grind away. 

The wind was almost no existent and the temperature was low 70’s so it was perfect cycling weather.  The road surface was probably close to the best we have seen. There was at least 25 miles of brand new pavement with a 15-20 foot shoulder.  Then there was another section of 15 miles of very nice shoulder.  So sailing into Tupper Lake Park where picnic was pretty good going.

Picnic was interesting as Tom had made Frito pie for lunch.  Frito pie is you open a bag of Fritos and pour chili in, then eat with a spoon.  It was a great picnic food.  Crunchy warm and filling.  After a couple helpings my hunger was satisfied and then into the fresh fruit.  Huge purple plums, cherries, grapes, peaches and watermelon, what a bountiful feast.   I caught a few pictures around picnic; Dan feeding a few of his friends,  A few Canadians who have made the park their home, and a shot of the abandon factory across the lake which is waiting for someone to make it great again.

After picnic the hills started in earnest and there were a lot of them, and I mean big grinders where no matter how much speed you had coming down the other side you were in bottom gear and grinding at least half way up.  The shoulder and road deteriorated from the great surface we enjoyed earlier.  Huge long road snakes, some of which were filled with tar and some without, and some which ended in pot holes.  On one downhill I got caught in a huge road snake while doing about 30 mph. This one ended in pot holes and I thought for sure I was done for.  Luckily I had a firm grip on the handle bars and was able to maintain my balance.

The last ten miles from Sarnac Lake to Lake Placid was tremendously busy and the road surface had gone to heck as well.  There were huge holes around drainage grates and big collapse holes especially along the shoulder which was now only 18 inches wide.  At one point there was a car right beside me and I was forced into the collapse hole which had to be 16 inches deep.  Luckily the front wheel did not dig in or jerk sideways.  However the bike hit really hard and I took a terrible jolt. 

Bob and I arrived in Lake Placid in good time and rolled into Placid Planet Bike shop which is quite a famous place.  Fortunately I was able to get out without reaching for my wallet, although they did have a beautiful new Colnago bike with everything on it for only $7399.   On wards to Ben and Jerry’s ice cream shop in downtown Lake Placid for a huge cup of chocolate fudge brownie ice cream which was so rich I could barely finish it (not really). 

Today the ride was 71.5 miles and 3010 feet of climb.  It didn’t seem like that much climb but there were a lot of grinder hills.  

Today is also the end of week 8 and we now have only one week and 400 miles left on our 4300 mile nine week journey.  Bob, Ken and I are in a motel for the weekend and are going to celebrate tonight with a good meal.



Judy Teague said...

Congratulations on finishing week #8💙🚴‍♂️👍
Enjoy Lake Placid and the hotel!

Agnes said...

Congrats on another week done, and unscathed too. Glad to hear you managed to work your way through that icecream. I didn't think there was a brownie icecream that you could not wrestle down. Enjoy your day off.

chris said...

sounds like some scary moments riding with those pot holes. glad you made it through without going down. have a great last week.

Anonymous said...


I thought of you this morning as I went out to ride, knowing you were in Lake Placid and that this is the last rest day and starting Monday it will be your last week of riding. God Speed.

I remember Star Lake, the caterer had been late for dinner, so I surmised he would be late for breakfast, so I took off and got a cinnamon roll and Diet Coke at the gas station in town, no McDonalds. I was sitting at a table eating it and the guy comes in, at about the time he is supposed to be serving the meal, and buys paper plates and other utensils! Needless to say, breakfast was a bit late that day as well, but I was already on my way!


Anonymous said...

In 2014, breakfast in Star Lake was memorable; as in the worst breakfast of the whole tour. I couldn't eat scrambled eggs for at least a year after that.

Canada Ken C.