Friday, May 17, 2024

May 17 2024 Vidin Bulgaria

Vidin Bulgaria

May 17 2024 

This morning when I got up the ship had not yet docked and we did not reach our the port of Vidin Bulgaria until 8:30 am.  It was very interesting watching our ship dock from the main dining room where we were having breakfast. Soon it was time to head off to todays tour which was off to see the Belogradchik Fortress and rocks.  On the way I grabbed a shot out of the cabin window,  I liked it as it was kind of a post industrial picture.  

On the shore was a monument to the victims of communism. It's sad state of repair is kind of a poor statement considering the terrible things which were inflicted on the Bulgaria people by the communists from 1945 through 1989.  

The bus ride up to the Belogradchik Fortress and rocks was about 90 minutes.  The road was incredibly steep and winding and as we got higher and higher the ceiling got lower and lower.  Finally we were right into the clouds which was now a very dense fog and heavy mist.  I was very disappointed as the views from this early castle were suppose to be incredible.  

The fortress was built at the very top of this mountain and consisted to three rings.  There were three gates and each one was further up the mountain.  From the first gate to second gate was only a couple of stories in elevation gain. From the second gate to the third gate was probably close to 15 stories, and from the third gate to the top of the fortress which was built into these strange rock formations another 15 stories.  Originally there were stone steps which had been carved into the rock.  Each step was about 18 inches high and bout 6 inches deep.  This was very hard to climb so modern steel steps had been added to help the tourists.  However they were set at about 75 degree angle and were more of a ladder than a set of steps.  So you can imagine the huffing and puffing which was going on from a set of cruise ship passengers, who had just stepped away from the buffet line a mere 90 minutes before. I have attached a couple of photos of the formations at the top, the gorilla's head, and the lovers. The valley below was nothing but a fog bank.

On the way back to the ship the tour stopped for a quick photo opportunity at the Baba Vidin fortress which is located right in the center of the river port of Vidin. The fortress is under restoration so you cannot go in side.  They have set up a small museum  which displays a large number of Roman grave yard heads stones which have been uncovered during the restoration work.  The Romans had a huge trading center here in Vidin from about 100 AD through the end of 300 Ad.    

Back on the ship for lunch and an afternoon to relax.  The afternoon off is a very welcome respite as we have been run off our feet.  



Gail said...

Too bad about the fog, but it does make the day look very “mysterious.” The ladder staircase looks more fun going up and a bit treacherous going down.

Anonymous said...

Wow, looks very interesting! But not for the faint hearted. Too bad about the fog.

Anonymous said...

The pace of a Viking river cruise makes a bike tour look relaxing. My experience anyway!! Calgary Ken C.