Monday, May 27, 2024

May 27 Passau Germany

 Passau Germany

May 27 2024

This morning the boat docked in Passau. Unfortunately there was no room at the main downtown docks and we were docked quite a distance from down town in an industrial port.  This meant that you had to take a shuttle bus to get into Passau.   

Upon arrival in downtown Passau the walking tour took us to the main downtown center where there is a statue of King Maximilian I the first king of Bavaria.  On the square it the Passau cathedral.  It is a huge baroque cathedral.  In fact all Passau is baroque as there was a huge fire in 1662 which destroyed most of the city.  The Passau cathedral has over 17,000 pipes in the pipe organ (which is currently under renovation) and is the largest in all of Germany.  Being a barque cathedral it is very light and colourful inside. The fresco on the ceiling of main cupola has an image of god in the center.  God is depicted as an old gray haired man who is waving to you.  

Also in Passau is a Lutheran cathedral.  It is very stark in comparison.  It is all done in black and white with no ceil frescos.

After lunch I had the option of heading back to the city on the shuttle or staying on the ship.  The ship was moving up stream to pick up some of the other tours.  This meant I would have to spend 3 hours in the city for the next shuttle. It was just a little more than I wanted so I stayed on board and enjoyed a very leisurely afternoon watching the scenery and the ship going through one of the oldest locks on the Danube (built in 1925). 


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