Friday, May 31, 2024

May 31 2024 Wurzberg Germany

 Wurzberg Germany

May 23, 2024

This morning we were docked in Wurzberg.  The tour today was up to the Wurzberg Residence followed by a walk through the town.  

The Wurzberg Residence was started in 1720 and completed in 1780 for Prince-Bishop Johan Philipp Franz von Balthasar Neumann (ok I copied that part off the hand out as nobody could remember a handle like that). The residence is a UNESCO world heritage site and is modelled after Versailles.  

From the moment you step through the main doors to the vast entrance with the huge arched ceiling and ornate plaster work you are awed.  Next is the grand staircast to the second floor. is in a 600 square meter room topped by a fresco depicting the four continents.  As you move through the rooms each has huge tapestries. A lot of them are easily 20 feet high and 60 feet long. There is a mirrored room which depicts wild animals.  Even the parquet floor is just amazing.  

From the main residence we exited and went into the chapel which was for the bishop and high court officals.  It is easily one of the most ornate baroque chapels I have seen. It is construted of three ovals, the entrance, the main seating area, and the last oval which has the main alter.  Marble, gold statues, ornate frescos in every shade.  It is a real stunning display.

From the residence we walked down through the old town.  There were three other churches., The baroque Neumunsterkirche, which was very beautiful in side but not even close the Prince's chapel. 
The chapel of Wurzberg which was very nice but much plainer and was only a chapel as it did not have a bishop and then there was the Bishop's Cathedral.  It looked quite small as only the front was visible from the street, but once in side it was huge.  It was very impressive and they had included a lot of modern art works into the cathedral. 

The was a wind festival going on in the city and every square was packed with venders and tents serving wine.  Even though it was a cold and rainy day the city was packed with people.  Everyone was having a great time and enjoying the food, wine and music.  The wine festivals last two weeks and are held twice a year, end of May and end of September.  

It was really hard to pick which pictures to post of the 168 I took today.  

Tonight we had a glass blowing demonstration on broad the ship, as tomorrow we are in a town specializing in glass blowing.   Should be fun.



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