Sunday, May 26, 2024

May 26 2024 Cruising the Wachau Valley

 Cruising the Wachau Valley

May 26 2024

The cruise ship had left Vienna late at night as there were tours which had gone out to see the Vienna opera.  The ship passed through a few locks during the night as I heard some bumping but didn't get up to watch.  

In the morning we entered the Wachau valley which is a major wine area in Austria and one of the most beautiful sections of the Danube river. The ship was passing one castle after another.  It was a very quaint area and is a major tourist destination.  

One of the most famous castles is where Richard the Lion Hearted was held on his way back from one of the crusades.  The village of Durnstein where the castle is also has this beautiful blue church which is right on the river.  

The last picture is of a a castle which was owned by a robber baron.  He had this impregnable castle on top of this high peak which had no easy access.  He then plundered the surrounding area at will. He was finally captured and killed on one of his raids.  

The second half of the day was a tour of the Benedictine Abby in Melk, details and pictures are in a separate post.  


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