Tuesday, May 21, 2024

May 21 2024 Kalocsa and Puszta Hungary

 Kalocsa and Puszta Hungary 

May 21 2024


This morning Agnes and I both sleep much later than we had previously.  I guess we are finally over the jet lag.  It was really nice as the dinning room was much less busy and we didn't have a tour until after lunch.  The remainder of the morning was spent on the sun deck watching the river glide past.  The highlight was this huge eagle/hawk which was circling over the ship.  I guess he was looking for his breakfast.  

The tour started right after lunch and we were off to the cathedral in Kalocsa.  It was built in 1770's and was the fourth iteration to the cathedral as all of the previous cathedrals had been destroyed by various invaders. Inside the ceiling was at least 80 feet high.  The light pink and white offset all the gold embellishments.  We were then treated to a pipe organ concert by the local maestro. The sound of the pipe organ was truly magnificent.  

The second stop of the tour was a horse farm in Puszta. It is the biggest in the area and was historically owned by the local Catholic diose.  The show which was put on was terrific.  All of the riders were wearing traditional Hungarian cowboy costumes.  They care these whips which are snaped to make a very loud snapping noise.  The show started with a team of traditional Hungarian oxen pulling a wagon.  Then the riders came on to show case their riding skills.  The final act was where one of the riders was riding ten matching white horses by standing on the backs of the last two.  It was very cool to see.  After the show we were allowed to wander through the stables to view the horses.  Agnes even got to feed the horses some carrots.  In one of the stalls was a group traditional Hungarian sheep which are called Rackas.  Very strange looking beasts.

Off to another fabulous supper in the dinning room.


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