Our camp ground

Campground sign showing distance to San Diego and Florida

It is the Tavelocity gnome sitting in the empty pool
I had my tent moved to a quiet corner behind some of the ranch buildings yesterday. This had the advantage of no lights and no early risers. I was able to sleep until 7:00 Am when the birds were making such a racket that woke up. I still did not get up as breakfast and coffee wasn’t until 8:00 and there was no where to go and nothing to do.
Breakfast was late so we sat around until it showed up.
There was a shuttle going into the bike shop in College. It is the home of Texas A &M university. The people who are riding the tandem are having mechanical problems so they had ordered some parts a few days ago and they were in. I jumped in the van and we were off. It was about 30 miles to town and a nice drive it was a good bike shop and I bought a new pair of shoes. The pair I had were wearing out the SPD clips and causing the clicking in my drive train. They are a very nice pair of Specialized shoes and were only $150. I know they would be over $200 back home. After the bike shop we hit a pizza place and had a great pizza. I have been craving pizza for the last two weeks.
In the afternoon I cleaned my bike and changed my rear tire as it was worn out.
I believe that tomorrow we ride through Sam Houston National Forest. It is suppose to be a short day.
Terry, I suppose the ranch would have been a tranquil place to spend a day off. Thanks for the photos.
Wow are you ever brown. . Frost backs rarely see enough sun for that much colour. Too bad about the pool, it would have been refreshing. The trip to town was a welcome break from the sounds of it. Good score on the new shoes. Ride safe,
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