I woke up early this morning but I wasn’t sure what time it was. I bought this cheapie watch as I didn’t want to wear my good watch on the bike big and they get accidently pushed. So time is often trip and get it all scratched up. The problem is that the buttons on the cheapie watch are too shown as 0:00. I was going to go running as it was only a 60 mile day but I didn’t know the time. Well that is my excuse for not running and I am sticking to it.
Today was a relatively short day at 57 miles plus 4 bubba miles. Bubba miles are the extra miles which are not on the cue sheet but are on the road. It was a great ride (chip seal and rough roads notwithstanding). There were lots of short hills with lots of twists and turns. I got out of camp kind of late even though Ken had warned me that the weather forecast was for an afternoon head wind. So I started riding up though the column of riders taking their picture and gossiping with them as I went. At about the 10 mile mark I came up to Scott who was struggling with a flat tire. So I stopped to help. It took us 30 minutes to get the tire fixed. The tire was so tight that we could not get it off the rim. Once we had it off we fixed it in no time. There were four of us and we had fun riding together most of the day. The wind never really showed up and there was a little cloud cover to keep it a little cooler.
We came upon this place where there were about a dozen vultures feasting on a dead raccoon in the ditch. They were really brave and never flew off when we stopped and took their pictures.
I think the high light of the day was a little town called Comfort. It was so cute. There entire town was some how historic. There were a lot of 1890’s buildings which were done up and restored. There were 1950’s buildings which had been restored and or re converted. There was a little 1950’s gas station which had been converted to a pizza place. A very neat town.
It was an excellent days riding.
Terry, the vultures probably enjoyed the raccoon as much as you enjoyed the beef brisket!! Enjoy the ride. Have you added up all the bubba miles; maybe it adds up to an extra days ride. Perhaps you'll finish the tour a day ahead of schedule!!
Sounds like you have found a good rhythm...good sleeps, breakfast, scenery, lunch, dinner, and friends. Glad you survived the tornado earlier in the week that was north of you. I'm yanking a group out early tomorrow for a 60 miler for breakfast at the Arizona Biltmore. Will be thinking of ya.
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