The riders were all up early as it was going to be another long day. Bubba’s route sheets always seem to 10% under the actual mileage so while it looked like 75 miles I knew it was going to be over 80. How much was yet to be decided.
Yesterdays wind had died down and it was so pleasant ride along without having the wind howling into your face. We had 40 miles up to lunch which was in yet another Mexican road side café. As I road along the giant dust bowl we have been riding in gave way to a much greener landscape. There were places where there was grass in the ditch and green trees along the road side. The road was still the rough chip seal but no wind.
As I approached the lunch stop I noticed the wind picking up from the North east which I knew was not a good sign but I pretended it was just a gust from some passing eighteen wheeler. At lunch I ordered the beef burrito which turned out to 3 inches in diameter and 14 inches long rather than the steamed goat which was on the menu.
After lunch the route turned NE and by now the wind is just howling again. The burrito is sitting in my belly like a huge brick. The road is dead straight across some fields and the wind is straight into my face. It is about 20 miles up to the next sag and the best I can do is about 12 mph into the wind. It took me just over 90 minutes to make the sag stop.
The last 20 miles we were in the start of Texas hill country so on top of the wind, rough roads, there were now hills to climb. The good part was the scenery has turned beautiful and it was a lot of fun challenging yourself on each hill. Never the less I was glad to see camp.
The camp is in these beautiful little cabins. There is nothing around here but these cabins so it would be a perfect place for a day off. Just do nothing. This is the nicest place we have stayed in.
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