To day’s ride was only 59.7 miles so I set my alarm for 6:30 so that I could get a little run in before coffee which was set for 7:00 Am. When I crawled out and started down the road I was shocked as probably 80% of the tents had lights on in them. I guess you have to be up early so you can stand in line for that Folger’s coffee. As I started down the road my ankles were screaming in complaint about being treated this way. However after a half mile everything straightened out and I was cruising along enjoying the early morning mist. I did a 30 minute run and covered three miles including a good sided hill. I just felt great after my run. I grabbed a shower and felt like a million bucks.
After breakfast I was on the road by 8:40 and most of the other riders had already left camp so I cruised along enjoying the early morning. The mist had lifted and the sun was nice and bright but the temperature was just about perfect riding temperature. I rolled right along enjoying the rolling hills and even though the road was kind of rough chip seal it was great not having the wind howling into your face. The wild flowers are in full bloom and the colour is just stunning. There are huge patches of the Texas Blue Bells, purple and white Morning Glories, as well as huge patches of daisies in every combination of yellow orange and white, and broad bands of red Indian Paint Brush. There are also a lot of flowers I cannot identify.
At the 43 mile marker was the lunch stop at a cross roads. It was pita bread with some sort of tuna salad. It was kind of weird as chick peas had been added to the tuna salad. I was only in the lunch stop 15 minutes but before I could get out a wind came up out of the east so the last 17 miles were into the wind. One of the riders was talking about this other type of wind condition where the wind blows on your back rather than into your face. I think he called it a “Tail Pipe Wind” but I don’t think we have seen anything like that on this tour.
Strangely enough there were no Bubba miles to day as my odometer matched the cue sheet.
On the subject of Texas Barbeque we went out last night to Black’s barbeque in Lockhart. It is the oldest continuously family run place I Texas. When you went in you took a plate and choose your sides off a buffet. Then you came to the meat counter where you choose your cut. You could have brisket, back ribs, baby back ribs, turkey, or sausage. It was then cut and weighed and you were charged based on weight. I had a slice of brisket, a sausage and to baby back ribs. It was a great meal. A carnivore’s dream come true.
Well I have to go find the bike mechanic as my bike has developed a nasty click when my right pedal is at the 2:00 o’clock position. Oh by the way La Grange was made famous by the ZZ Top song La Grange from their Tres Hombres album.
Great pics of spring flowers. I see you are wearing your Cross Roads Jersey. I can fit into mine and wore it a week ago when I gave a presentation on the coast-to-coast ride. Life must be good if you can sleep in, fit in a run, and have a big helping of red meat. Keep up the good work.
I had a great 65 mile ride to to the Arizona Biltmore with the Trilogy club.
What, no Bubba miles!
The Texas BBQ sounds wonderful. Have a safe ride.
Enjoyed getting to visit with you and meet the other riders and staff. I'm happy you invited Ken...a great way to travel and experience life.
Terry, that "click" sounds like a bottom bracket bearing. I don't think it will fail anytime soon, but will be a constant annoyance. Should be easily replaced. Either that or it's a knee, which isn't easily replaced!! Enjoy the ride, thanks for the blog and keep up the good work.
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