Last night Bruce B drove up from Woodlands and took Ken and I out to supper. Ken and I both worked for Bruce back in the 1980’s before Union Pacific got taken out. Bruce lives but 20 minutes south of where we were camped. It was a great reunion having the three of us together. We had fun talking but what had happened since we left UP and all of the things which have happened to each of us. Thanks Bruce!!
Last nights camp ground which was really an RV park was right beside the main road through town and traffic started at about 5:30 Am so I was awake early but lay in bed until 6:30 before rolling out.
Today’s ride was some 72 miles plus 3 Bubba miles. When I got up there was a stiff breeze out of the NE which meant another day of head winds for us. The sky was heavily overcast and it was a bit cool but it was great riding, wind notwithstanding. I was out of camp at 7:30 sharp as I wanted to make some miles in case the wind turned nasty or the colds turned to rain. There isn’t much to tell about the ride as it was pretty boring. There was a few little ups and downs but the road was basically dead straight. On one side the forest had been clear cut and there were a lot of logging trucks which seemed to be going both ways.
Wallace and I rode in to camp first today as we have been staying in these incredibly dumpy RV parks where there are only 2 showers (one men’s and one women’s), and I wanted to get a hot shower for once. With 35 riders and 10 staff the facilities are totally overwhelmed. The first 5 or 6 get a hot shower. So we got showered, I grabbed a two quart bottle of milk which Wallace and I drank and then the clouds opened up and the rain started to hammer down. It is so good to be in first.
Terry, looks like you are out of the desert and into tree country. Big change! Way to go with the showers, getting in early before the lines form and the hot water runs out. You sound like you ate holding up well!
Tomorrow I am off to Sedona with the bike club for our MS 150 ride. The bad news is we have a big winter storm forecast to hit Friday and Sunday...freezing temps and Flagstaff forecast to get 6" of snow. Wonderful! You have been through worse. We'll see what happens.
Great pic of the three of you. Hot showers can be a big motivator. It poured here most of the day and has now turned to snow. In theory it won't stay much past tomorrow, forecast for 10 C. Hey, this is the last sleep in Texas!!!
Ride safe.
Terry, like Agnes said yesterday, when does the pampering start? Perhaps the last half of the tour. Keep up the good work.
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