Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Tangermude to Magdeburg

May 24 2023

After a huge breakfast in our hotel in Tangermude we were off to an early start right at 8:00 am.  The weather was heavily over cast and trying hard to rain but all it could manage was a few drops, however it was quite cool at only 8C.  I really didn't want to put my rain coat on as then you just sweat inside of it but the undershirt, jersey and arm warmers were just a little cold.  I toughed it out and kept the rain jacket in my panier.  

After a few false starts Bob found the path and we were off.  There was quite a section of tree lined path way before we got to the river dike.  While we were on the tree lined path we were protected from the wind but as soon as we hit the dike path way we were exposed to the west wind which was coming at us in a right hand cross wind.  It seemed to cut right through me.

By 10:00 am we found a pathway resort which had a very nice coffee service so we pulled in for coffee.  We had made quite good time and were already close to 30 kms into the ride.

As we rolled into a small hamlet I saw a statue commemorating the fallen soldiers from 1939 to 1945.  You don't see too may war memorials here in Germany, unlike England or France where there is one in every town square.  Then a couple of hamlets later I saw a WWI statue to the fallen German soldiers.   These are the only two memorials I have seen.

At the 40-45 km point we came to a ferry across the Elbe river.  After some discussion we took the ferry.  It was only about a 5 minute ferry ride and I commented to Bob that is was so short that I didn't even get my sea legs. 

On the opposite side of the river there were a lot of little towns however finding a place to have lunch proved to be a task in its self.  When we did find a place, we were the only ones in it and it appeared that there was only one person working so we settled on the cream of asparagus soup and headed out as quickly as we could. 

The path continued down the opposite side of the river until we reached Magdeburg.  Across the river a couple of lefts and rights and we were at the hotel.  Bob's navigation was totally spot on.  In fact I really have to give Bob credit for his navigation.  He has the route book on his handle bar bag and keeps us right on track.  Following the map while riding is no easy trick.  Great work Bob!

Hard to believe that we are already at our first lay over day.  Five ride days down.  




Anonymous said...

A second day of cool (perhaps even cold) weather under threatening skies, a bit of mist but no real rain. Terrain is broad valley, sometimes marshy, forested areas and farmland. Anything "developed " is outside the dike. Thursday is a rest day, so laundry and bike care on the agenda, as well as some siteseeing.

Calgary Ken C.

Anonymous said...

Really enjoying following your tour. Enjoy your layover day.

Anonymous said...

You have found a good routine and rhythm.
Looks a little cool and wet for much beer. Keep it up.
Trilogy Jim

Anonymous said...

Just catching up to your blog Terry. Sounds like a rough start with the flights but some nice riding days to start.
Great pics. You mention your sore back a couple of times. Do you think it's because of the extra weight? Ride safely