Saturday, May 27, 2023

Dessau to Pretzsch

May 27 2023

To day was another beautiful sunny day with a very nice tail wind most of the day.  We started out from our hotel just after 8:00 am and made good time along the trails.  We took Bob's route out of town which was a little shorter than my Garmin route, although we met up with my Garmin route around kms 8.  This took us past the temple to Dianna (what the guide book said ??).  and the past this little building beside the trail which was made of concrete and little pebbles.  The guide book said it was a UNESCO world heritage building.  

It wasn't too much further (17 kms) when Bob's front wheel caught the edge of some bricks and threw him down right in front of me.  I jammed the brakes but still hit his rear wheel and down I went.  I rolled head over heels down the embankment in nice soft grass.  Bob wasn't so lucky.  He wound up with several nasty patches of road rash on his elbow, hip, thigh and forehead. In addition his helm has a nasty crack in it. Both of the bikes seemed to be ok.

The stop of the day was in Wittenberg which is where Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the cathedral in 15 Oct 1517  starting the reformation. The original wooden doors have been replaced with a set of bronze doors which have Martin Luther's theses inscribed on them.  Bob and I purchase tokens to climb the tower.  It was something like 250 steps to the top in a really tight spiral climb.  I was starting to get dizzy it was to tight. At the top the view was sensational. It was really interesting being in such a historic spot and eating our picnic lunch in the shadow of the cathedral. 

After lunch we had about 32 kms to go and it was back on the pathways. Some of it was down tree lined path, some was across open fields but over all it was a great ride. Just before we arrived at Pretzsch we crossed the river on a ferry.  In Pretzsch we are staying at a very nice country inn (The Park Hotel).

Another great ride day with a total of 76 kms.  




Anonymous said...

Tonight's stay is in Pretzch, which is a small, quiet village. My second floor room overlooks a nice park with a big fountain. This afternoon, families were out enjoying the park. In the evening now, the park is empty, with the only sounds being the water fountain and the doves cooing. Can't get much more rural village than this. Good ride.

Calgary Ken C.

Anonymous said...

Again, beautiful photos of a beautiful ride! Sorry to read that Bob took a spill. Hoping he’s ok and has a new helmet! And, what great weather you’re having. Enjoy your coming days. Ride safely! Julie & Ed.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like perfect text book touring. You all are even skilled dealing with a crash. Way to go.
Trilogy Jim

Agnes Wiechert said...

Wow, fortunate that there were no serious injuries. Glad bikes are good. Bob needs to get a new helmet asap. Ride safe!