Friday, June 22, 2018

June 22, 2018 Kellogg to Thompson Falls

What a day! Thompson Pass was totally spectacular.
However before I get to that I want to tell you about last night.  I finished posting my blog and came outside to find the sky had turned totally black. There was a huge rain front just off to the west. I realized that I had to get my laundry off the fence and as I was pulling it down the first really big rain drops hit me.  Knowing I had less than a minute I made a dash for my tent.  I dived into the tent and pulled the fly zipper closed.  Within 5 second there was a huge flash of lightning and enormous boom and the skies just opened up.  The down pour continued for another 2 hours before it settled down to a steady rain. Lying on my cot listening to the rain on the tent was so soothing. It was great.
This morning there was a low hanging fog which enveloped the valley.  It wasn’t cold but just a little clammy.  However it was very pretty riding up the river valley in the fog.  The route to Thompson Pass is a long steady climb of about 3% for close to 40 miles. I was feeling very strong and made good time.  At about the 20 mile mark sun had burned the fog off.  We turned this right hand corner and there was a beautiful little bridge over the river.  It brought back memories of 2014 and taking Earnie’s picture turning the corner while riding with no hand.  At about the 39 mile mark the grade starts to increase steadily as you approach the summit.  Most of the last 3.8 miles to the summit is over 9% with a good portion exceeding 11%.   Yes I walked a couple of the last few miles.
At the summit (4859 feet) was picnic.   What a spot for picnic!  You can see for miles and the road thousands of feet below.  It was wonderful rolling into picnic.  The feeling of you have made it. Sounds of Credence Clearwater playing. Smells of Shuli’s wonderful soup in the air.   WOW! It just doesn’t get any better.
After lunch was a steep decline down 25 miles to Thompson Falls.  It was a great ride flying down. I think I hit 37 mph without even trying. 
A beautiful day. 
Terry hot biker


Gail said...

Yeah! You are on the upswing - training while riding. Sounds like a well deserved beautiful day.
No shame in walking AND you did make it to the top of some difficult climbs. Well done Terry!

Jim said...

Congrats. You survived the big challenges of heat, cold, wind, and rain. Good to see you are starting to enjoy the ride and take in the big sky sights. Keep on trucking😊

Anonymous said...

The only picture I found from 2014 Kellogg to Thompson Falls was of Canada Ken eating a ginormous ice cream cone! Glad you had a good day, only one more and a rest day. Later, Earnie

Anonymous said...

Yea, I remember that ice cream cone. Not too many ice cream cones so far in this year's blog!?!?

Thompson Pass is a tough climb. Nice to have a bit cooler weather. I think the rain is the same weather system swirling around here in Calgary too.

Keep up the good work. Enjoy your first day off in Missoula.

Canada Ken C.

Pino said...

Sounds wonderful.. you are getting your groove now!!