Sunday, June 2, 2024

June 02 2024 Middle Rhine Valley

 Middle Rhine Valley    

June 02, 2024

This morning our ship entered the Rhine river from the Main river.  This is the section of the river which has all of the castles on it.  So I was up early to get a prime location for taking pictures.  

As the ship entered the Rhine the cruise director was on the PA describing each of the castles as they came in to view.  He was giving a detailed history of each castle, when it was built, who built, and it's history, along with myths and stories about the castle.  I am not going to get into each castle and suffice it to say that most of them are either in ruins or have been converted to hotels. 

Unfortunately the weather was not cooperating.  There was a heavy mist in the valley and on all of the hills.  In addition the wind was just howling. It was blowing so hard it was hard to hold the camera still enough to get a picture.  Just stepping out on the deck from the lounge nearly froze you to the bone.  In a word it was just plain miserable. 

After lunch was the guided tour to the Marksburg castle and I am making a separate post on it.


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