Sunday, June 2, 2024

June 02, 2024 Koblenz Germany

 Koblenz Germany

June 02, 2024 

After I got back from the Marksburg castle tour I had lots of time before supper so and the ship was moored very close to downtown I took a walk through downtown.  

Koblenz is a very important city as it is right on the confluence of the Moselle rivers and the Rhine rivers. It is a very interesting city as it is a mix of very new and modern buildings and buildings dating back to the 1700's.   As it was a Sunday all of the shops were closed, and only the restaurants and pubs were open never the less it was very busy despite the cold and inclement weather.

Right on the confluence of the river is a huge (at least 60 feet tall) statue of Kaiser Wilhelm.  It is a really awesome site.  

Inside the oldtown there are a lot of statues fountains and squares.  I also saw a lot of very interesting shops selling some very interesting art and even some cool looking foot wear.

Right on the Rhine is a cable car which takes you to a huge castle on the other side of the river.  This castle was used by the Nazi's as a prison.  I didn't have time to take the cable car so I guess I will have to make another trip back to pick up some of the stuff I have missed.


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