Sunday, June 2, 2024

June 02 2024 Marksburg Castle Germany

 Marksburg Castle Germany

June 02, 2024

After lunch the tour of the day was to the Marksburg Castle.  It was built in 1100 and is only one of two castle which has never been capture.  It is situated on a very high and steep pinnacle of rock over looking the Rhine River.  Today it is a UNESCO World Heritage site. 

After a short bus ride we had a walk up a steep hill to the castle.  As we approached the castle I pulled out my camera a took picture only to have my camera tell me that I had not put the SD card back in the camera after I down loaded my pictures from yesterday.  I couldn't believe I had made such a beginner mistake.  Fortunately I still had my phone with me and so I started taking pictures with it.  Unfortunately I am really lousy with it as I don't use my phone as a camera.  

The views from the castle walls were totally awesome even with the heavy mist which was in the air.  I can only imagine what it would be lie on a clear day.  The tour took us from the main gate through the entrance tunnel to the main parapets.  We then went on into the wine cellar, the kitchen and on up to the main living quarters for the royal family.  Down to the dungeon and torture chamber and ending in the castle forge.  

It was a really excellent tour in that you got to see how life was in the 1100's. Even as one of the nobles it was a pretty tough life.  I asked the tour guide where the TV room was and only got a puzzled look. 

The walk down the hill was pretty easy and the bus ride to the boat was short. 

Upon reaching the ship I had lots of time before supper so I took a walk through old town Koblenz where we are docked. It is on a separate post. 


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