The route instructions for to day were turn right out of cam ride 75 miles turn right into camp. When you look at a map of Texas you can see that the highway between Van Horn and Marfa has on turn in it. The highway goes straight south for 35 miles to a Valentine (Pop 217) then makes a 45 degree and heads south east for 40 miles.
We were up at 6:30 for coffee thanks to the early risers even though sun rise was not until 7:54. I was on the road at 8:05 and was one of the last to leave camp. There was absolutely nothing to see along the way. So I contented myself with taking photos of the riders.
Lunch was at the little town of Valentine where the 6 high school students were putting on a fund raiser for us. They are planning a trip to Costa Rica. They had pork burritos and brownies for us for $5.00. They were very good. The principal came out and talked to the riders about the little town and his school of 66 students. They are having a tough time as the ranching life is dying and there is no other industry. Nobody wants to live so far from anything.
The highlight of the day was this Prada store out in the middle of nowhere. Unfortunately it was closed. Go Figure!!
After lunch the road turned to chip and seal and was very rough. It was a long grind and I am glad to be off it.
Marfa is the home of these unexplained lights in the sky, Some people thing it is related to headlights. However they have been seen for hundreds of years. You can Google it and read about it. Bubba is going to shuttle us down there to see the lights. Is that weird or what?
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