I set the alarm for 6:15 Am as I wanted to get up and go for a run this morning. However a train went by at 6:00 am blowing its whistle and woke me up, so I turned the alarm off. The next thing I knew it was 7:40 Am so I pulled on my running tights and top and went for a 30 minute run. The first mile was tough. The second mile was a lot easier and by time I was into mile three I was flying. I wound up with at a 29 minute 5k which was pretty good considering that this was my first run since the Napa Marathon way back on March 4. On the run a javalina ran out in front of me. It was pretty fun.
I got back to camp to find that breakfast was over but the cook pulled a parfait out for me. I gobbled it down and threw my gear into the bags and pushed off almost last. It caught up with Ken in the local coffee shop, so I collected him and the two of us were off down the road. It was easy sailing and we were down to the first sag which was at the 20 mile make in just over an hour. Wallace was there so the three of us set of with Wallace pulling us down the road at speeds approaching 35 mph. The favourable tail wind combined with slight down hill put us into the 40 mile sag in around 45 minutes. This left us with just 14 miles to go and the three of us knocked it of in 40 minutes.
There wasn’t much for scenery and the town of Sanderson sure isn’t much either. It is only slightly more than a cross roads however 75% of the buildings are abandon. There are three cafes but they are all closed. Two gas stations, one of which has hot dogs on the roller grill. They were pretty nice after the ride.
The pictures are; a self portrait taken while going 30 mph with one hand holding the camera, a shot of the road , and an old Texaco gas station advertizing sodas for $0.05 and tire repairs for $0.50.
We are staying in the high school gym tonight which isn’t my favourite as I prefer the tent. So I will take a few Tylenol and try for some sleep. The early risers are up at 4:45. The high school gym class is doing a fund raiser for us for our supper. I am trying to be positive.
Tomorrow is 78 miles and it is going to be hot so I will try for an early departure.
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