It was cold last night in Sacred Rocks, And it was cold in the morning as well and I wound up putting just about everything I own on. However the sun was out and by the time we were ready to leave it was starting to get warm. I knew that I was over dressed but the bags were on the truck. Could be worse!
Ken and I rode off together and were among the last to leave camp. There was a long up hill right away and we started passing people who were grinding up the hill. So I managed to get lots of great rider photos. Then we were treated to a very nice down hill which was a lot of fun. However the big down hill was still ahead of us. It was something like six miles of six percent. It was all on the interstate so it was a little scary especially as there was a bunch of signs saying that bicycles were prohibited.
Lunch was in this little diner which was at the 30 mile mark and it came up pretty. Ken noticed the wind coming up as we ate lunch and it was a big head wind. So Ken told me to ride on ahead. We still had 33 miles to go though the desert. There was sure a lot of nothing but sand. Wallace caught me and we rode together for a long time before he dropped me. However he lost his cue sheet so he had to wait for me at the fruit stand where he had talked the vendor out of some oranges. They were so sweet and refreshing.
We rode in to the church in Calexico where are staying together. The supper to night is being prepared by this fellow you just won some sort of best barbeque ribs contest and of course we are having ribs. Yahoo! Wallace and I were inspecting the preparations when one of the staff fell off of the luggage truck and broke her arm. The ambulance was there within minutes to whisk her off to the hospital. What a terrible way to end a great day!
I was concerned when I saw the photo of the ambulance. Its too bad about the staffer's broken arm. . . I am just glad it wasn't worse. Take care.
Good to hear you are enjoying the Majave Desert. Be careful along the border, not only is it a wild frontier, but the Porder Patrol will be checking out you aliens. I see we have warm weather forecast this week and a cold front this weekend. Enjoy!
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