Wednesday, September 4, 2024

 Chepstow  Wales

September 4 2024

By time Mike and I got to our room in Manchester and then went for supper and got back to the hotel it was already 9:00 pm and we were both beat.   We had both been on the road for better than 30 hours.  Mike had traveled business class and had little cubical all to him but I was back in cattle car.  I better not complain as it was a very good flight.  Nice and quiet in the cabin with almost no light from the movie screens and no crying children.  I managed about 3 hours of sleep which wasn't half bad.

This morning we both slept in From bedtime around 9:30 pm until about 7:30 am this morning. We had prepaid for the hotel breakfast and at twelve pounds it was a feast.  Lots of bacon, fried mushrooms, fresh rolls and lots of just about everything else.

Down to the train station by 10:30 and by luck the train was leaving at 10:45 so a very short wait. Get the tickets was easy and boarding the train dead easy.  It was a 3 hour ride down to the transfer point where we changed trains. It was only a 12 minute lay over and then another half hour before we were in Chepstow.

Mike and packed a HUGE suitcase and then he has a large backpack as well.  When the train rolled into the station we both jumped up and Mike started wrestling with this huge suit case.  The train only stopped for a couple of minutes so we were in a hurray to jump off.  In our rush Mike forgot his back pack which has all of his meds, electronics as well as his rain coat and the back pack he will need for his day pack.  Mike has gone up to Cardiff where the lost and found is. Hopefully some kind soul has turned it in.

I walked on up to the Chepstow castle and the Sedbury cliffs which is the official start of Offa's Dyke trail.  The country side looks great.

Ken and Judy have arrived and we are off for supper. 



Anonymous said...

Wow! What a great start to trip except for the left behind back pack! Anxious to read the next story - did back pack get back in Mikes hands?

Anonymous said...

Hey, that post was from Sandra as we are sitting at Panera Bread eating lunch

Anonymous said...

Luggage; can't live with it, can't live without it. Hope Mike gets his back and the rest of the walk goes well. Currently in Spokane WA and off to Portland OR Thursday.
Calgary Ken C.

Martin said...

The adventure begins!

Wes Reid said...

Have a great hike Terry! All the very best on your great adventure!