Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Offa's Dyke

Hay-on-Wye to Kington

September 10, 2024

This morning we got a pretty early start as breakfast was at 7:30, so we were on the road at 8:30.  This was good as we had a very long day in front of us with close to 2400 feet of climb in three large hills of close to 800 feet of elevation each.  I guess I had zero idea that Wales was this hilly.  In Calgary the Bow River escarpment is around 350 feet which is kind of what I am use to thinking of.  Well these hills are more than 2 twice as high.  As you are walking up them they just never seem to end.  When you think that you are reaching the summit and as you get up to you can see there is yet another summit and then there is at least another two summits after that.

The morning was kind of gray and muggy with threatening rain.  It even did sprinkle a little be but cleared off.  However the wind came up and was just howling.  Fortunately we were walking down paths or roads which had very high hedge rows on either side so we were well protected.  

The B&B where we stayed last night had made us sandwiches so we stopped and ate lunch about 11:00.  While we were eating the rain started and so we finished up as quickly as we could and hurried off.  It would rain the rest of the day.  So times it was just a mist but other times it was pelting down.  The wind had also picked up to the 25-30 mph range so it was just whipping at your jacket and keeping your hat on was impossible.  The only thing about the wind was that it was generally on your back.  Although it was a cross wind at ties when you turned a corner.  

A lot to the path was across wind swept highlands.  It would have be extremely pretty save for the rain.  Of course all of the rain has made a lot of the pathway very muddy and your hiking poles sink into the mud making this sucking noise as you pull them out. 

I was really glad to make it into the hotel at just before 4:00 pm after 16.03 miles and 2451 feet of elevation.  

The weather forecast for  next couple of days is for sunny (but windy) weather.  It is going to be so nice to see the sun.  Yes I know I was warned that it does rain in Wales.  



1 comment:

Agnes said...

Pretty countryside. . . Yes, it rains!