Saturday, September 14, 2024

Offa's Dyke 

Welshpool to Oswestry

September 14, 2024

The overnight B&B we stayed in was this exceptional old English home which had been built in 1861 and had been in the current owners family for over 125 years.  It would have been great to just hang around to enjoy the wonderful hospitality but we were off to our next trek down to Nant Gloyw B&B.

We ferried down to the start of the walk from the B&B which made for a great start to the day.  The walk today followed the Montgomery Canal which was constructed in the late 1800's and was in service to 1944. To day it is a wildlife preserve and walking path.  This made the trail very level and was a nice gravel path.  This made for good time and we trucked right along.  It was surprising how well painted and maintained the canal structures were.  

The total route to day was 14.5 miles but when we got to mile 12.0 we came to the town of Llandmynech where there was a pub.  After a pint we decided that the only sensible thing to do was to take a taxi the last couple of miles.  There was two ridiculously steep climbs between us and our destination.  The taxi ride only took a few minutes and deposited us at the meeting place where were meet by tonight's host. He whisked us up to tonight's lodging an couple of minutes.  

Today the toatl route was 11.73 miles with only 213 feet of elevation gain.  It was a beautiful sunny day with a good wind which was at our backs.  




Agnes said...

Looks like a pleasant walk. . But I can remember when you were an EFI kinda guy. . . Good decision making though!

Anonymous said...

Sounds great! Happy sleeping… visiting w Susan B now… all is well in AZ 💙M

Martin said...

Sounds like a good day.