Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Offa's Dyke

Clwyd Gate to Bodfari

September 17, 2024

After a great breakfast in the Druid Inn we were driven back to our pick up point from the previous evening.  While in the car I asked what the history of the Druid Inn was as it was filled which interesting photos and really old looking antiques.  Turns out the Inn was built in 1747 and has been added to several times but has been in continuous service as an inn from when it opened in 1747 (Wow 277 years).

The trail started up almost straight up and continued straight up for almost 6 miles to the Jubilee Tower.  It was built in 1810 to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of George III.  It has been semi restored but is missing its top section.  It is the highest point on the Clwydian range of mountains.  As we climbed the hill you could see it for at least five miles off.  The view from the top of the tower is unbelievable.  We had the perfect day for it as well with a temperature of 65F and with a very light breeze out of the SW.  

Even though it was the highest point didn't mean that everything was down hill from there. We had a lot of really steep downhills followed by a lot of really steep up hills.  The mountains here are really tricky as well as everyone of them has at least 5 or 6 false summits.  So just as you think this one is done you come over a crest to see yet another steep stretch in front of you. 

At about the 7.5 mile mark we came to the Byngaer Moel Arthur Hill fort. It is a bronze age fort and can be seen for miles.  The dirt earth work crowns the hill.  The trail originally went up to the fort but has been diverted around the hill fort due to erosion of the trail. 

At the 9 mile mark Ken had a vertigo attack and found he was having trouble balancing.  As long as he kept his head up he was fine but we had a lot of hills to decent and a lot of them were really steep (30%).  How he made it is a mystery to me.  After a couple of miles his vertigo dissipated, but it was pretty scary. 

We managed to stumble down to the pick up point at 12.26 miles with 2690 feet of elevation gain.  The taxi picked us up and whisked us off to a very nice hotel.  

A great day but every one is really beat.  




Anonymous said...

Wow sounds like such hard walking. Glad you are all okay and no one took a tumble!


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your trip summary. A difficult journey with many obstacles to overcome. I would have given up . Stay safe. Jana Brooke