Monday, September 2, 2024

Heading off to Wales

Offa's Dyke

September 2 2024

 Today I fly to Manchester England where I will over night before continuing my journey by train  to Chepstow.   I am being joined by my cycling buddy, from Phoenix Mike and my friends Ken and Judy from Texas.  The four of us are going to hike Offa's Dyke.  

Offa's dyke is a large earthen work structure which was constructed by the Anglo-Saxon king of Mercia from AD 757 until 796, It roughly follows the border between England and Wales.  Basically dirt was excavated  along one side and piled up on the other forming a long linear dyke which was up to 30 feet deep on the excavated side and 30 feet high on the other side.  On top of this was a wooden wall.  This was to protect the people of Wales from invading English armies.  

Today this is one of the UK's National Trails network. It is 177 miles from Chepstow in the south to Prestatyn in the north.  Our little band of four will take 12 waling days to complete this trail.   We are staying in small inns and local B&B's.  We have a luggage forwarding service to transport our luggage for us from one hotel to the next.  Hiking 15 miles is one thing but packing your luggage along on your back is quite another. Here is a link to the official site:  Offa’s Dyke Path Information - National Trails

I am quite excited to get on this adventure as it has been a very long time in the planning and now it is finally here..



Martin said...

Safe travels and happy trails!

Anonymous said...

Have a great time. Safe travels! Can’t wait to follow along. Julie & Ed

Anonymous said...

Have a good walk. Say Hi to the others from me. Thanks for doing the blog.
Calgary Ken C.

Anonymous said...

Way to go. Looking forward to pictures and reports.

Cynthia Owen-Bergland said...

Can’t wait to see pictures! Safe travels!