Saturday, September 7, 2024

 Offa's Dyke 

Monmouth to Llangattock Lingoed

September 7, 2024

After a wonderful breakfast in Creats we were off down the road.  Getting out of town and on the right path is always a challenge.   However today wasn't too hard as we had the large town gate which was constructed in 1267.  From there a few lefts and a few rights and we were out in the country.  Not that you could tell as the low hanging mist limited visibility to a 100 yards or so.  

The country side is a lot more rolling than I had envisioned.  I had thought things were going to be pretty flat most of the way. However it seems like we are always climbing and not just climbing but struggling up huge steep hills.   So rolling is kind of a euphemism.   

Even though it never rained the low hanging clouds and threatening sky hung over us the entire day.  Ken said that the humidity was 95% and I believe it as I was totally soaked to the skin the entire day even though I was not wearing a jacket and had my sleeves rolled up.  

A lot of the day day was spent walking through pastures which had sheep grazing or once in a while cattle.  The sheep mostly ignore that you are even there.  The cattle generally move out of the way however one cow was not going to let us pass.  She blocked us and would move around to keep us from heading towards the gate.  We finally spread out and then she headed off and let us pass.   Of course with all the sheep grazing in the fields there is a lot of stuff to step around.  

Tonight we are staying in the Old Rectory which has been converted to a B&B.  Supper is down at the Hunters Moon Pub just down the street but the power is off so maybe we will go hungry as it is the only place to eat.

To day we covered 14.85 miles and 1808 feet of elevation.



Martin said...

Glad the rain stopped. Sleep tight!

Anonymous said...

Good wishes as you carry on🥾….MJ

Anonymous said...

Good wishes as you carry on.🥾MJ

Anonymous said...

You have settled down and found your rhythm. Enjoying your cool wet countryside pictures. Hotter than hell here.

Cynthia Owen-Bergland said...

Beautiful Wales. Sounds challenging but I do hope you didn’t go without supper!

Anonymous said...

Wow, steadily covering a lot of distance. Good for you!