I mentioned in the blog entry for today that I had gone in to see it but I wanted to put up some pictures of the cathedral as it is really amazing. As I mentioned it was started in 1067 and they have been building/renovating it ever since. The interior is completely lined with mosaic tiles. It is really beautiful. The place is a real money make as they charge, 4 Euros to see the museum and visit the terrace, 3 Euros to see the treasury, 2 Euros to see the alter, and 7 Euros to see the bishops mansion. I paid the 4 to see the museum and visit the terrace. At any rate here are the pictures.
I think you took a wise decision with the 4 Euro deal
In the cathedral, but also in many other churches along the tour, there is the option to buy a candle and lighten it and to pray, e.g. for good cycling weather. Perhaps a good investment ;-)
I don’t like the thought of meeting you in the rain in Como!
(I looked at your shirt again more closely and identified it as “Canadian”, not Hawaiian, sorry for my previous comment.)
Just catching up on your trip. You have gone through some of my most favour places in the world,and now you can see why! I also remember, the thunder and lightening storm in Venice as being the most terrifying storm I've ever been in. I feel for you buddy! I hope you have sun for the rest of your trip. I'm off for a run on Nose Hill. Hope to do 60 minutes straight. Will be up to 90 by the time you get back.
Ride safe!
Great pictures. Good seeing you attending church. I agree with Jurg that 4 Euro is a good deal if you prayed for sunny skys. We hear on the news that the UK and parts of Central Europe are suffering through a 50 year drought. Italy must be taking more than its fair share. You should be getting the Alps in sight.
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