I had meant to get up early and go for a run but I didn’t. Sleeping in seemed like such a better option. Never the less I was up and John G and this new guy, Robert from Holland were on the 9:30 AM train to Rome. Mussolini may nave made the trains run on time but then he was working with new equipment. His equipment is now older.
The three of us stepped off the train and wandered into a place which I have seen in so many films and in so many books. It is a place in history. I was totally awe struck. We headed right over to the Vatican as that is one of the most famous places in Rome. We stepped in to St Peter’s square and it was exactly like all of the pictures I have seen. There was a rumour running through the crowd that the pope was going to say mass in the square that morning. Sure enough he was just arriving. The three of us were standing by this railing which was way in the back and then some guards opened the rail for some special tour group to be lead up to chairs right at the front so we just followed right on in. His imminence arrived and we got to hear the most famous words of all, right from the Pope himself, “ Spiritus Sanctu” I fell truly blessed.
After mass we headed out into the city to see more of the sites. We took a walking tour of the city. We saw Castle Saint Anglo, Palzzo Di Gistizia, Palazzo Navona, Pantheon, Fountana Di Trevi, Plazzo Venezia, Foro Romano, Foro Di Traiano, Colosseo, Palatino, Circo Massimo, Quirinale, Palazzo Spagna, and Palazzo Del Popolo. Some of these have English names but I just copied down the names from the guide we had. It was really neat being in all of these places which I seen so often in film and in books.
All to soon it was time to catch the train back home to our camp ground. Tomorrow I get to see some more.
Hi Terry... I can't believe u got to see the pope!!!! How fortunate !! I was doing cardio at the gym and I saw him on the Today show!!! Talk about timing.
There's sooo much to see in Rome so your eyes must be stuck wide open!!! Sounds like you've seen so much already. Hopefully you filled your belly with some great pasta to keep your energy up!!! Have Fun!!
Ciao Lynne
You have seen the Mona Lisa and now the Pope... Dude, what's next? Life is now complete.
Oh look another hill.
happy time! ^^
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