Day 7 Munster to Freiburg
A short day but everyone is still up at the crack of dawn. So After listening to the pounding rain on the tent all night we climbed out into the soggy campground, and rolled our wet tents. Jim and I are the last out of the campground with Curt and Clare. Don has ridden on ahead. However we are going at a good pace and are soon passing people here and there. The scenery is quite pretty and could even be considered beautiful if it weren,t so dull and overcast. The road is mostly down hill and we are making good time.
I think the high light of the day was that this fire truck passed us and we could see a huge pall of smoke ahead. When we got there a house was on fire. The firemen were busy running around but by the time they got the hoses conected the fire had nearly gone out.
The broder between France and Germany is the Rhine River. It is only marked with some flags and the little sign, which happens to be todays picture.
As we cruised into Germany we took a wrong turn and wound uup on a very busy road and had to back track about 3 kms this made the day 72 instead of the billed 66 kms. So we were in the middle of the pack by the time we reached lunch. Lunch was tuna sandwichs and fresh fruit. At least it wasn`t raining. After lunch I spotted a bike path though this orchard which cut off quite a distance and put us out front. Don is now with us and we are just cruising.
The next obstical is navigating though Freibur which is a really big city and the directions we have are none existant. However I made a couple of lucky spots and we cruised in to the hotel with only two others infront of us. Being it was only 2:30 we had time to unroll our tents and dry them out in the parking garage. Jim headed off to do laundry and I did blogs. I forget to mention tomorrow is a day off so we get TWO days in a hotel. And it is a nice one.
We then wandered out into the old town which is very neat. The catherdral was built in 1330.
Very cool place. Jim and I decided on Chinese for supper. We picked out 51 & 62 which turned out to be a curried pork and vegtable and a hot and spicey beef with vegtables. My German isn´t as good as my French. Good thing I have about three weeks to practice it before I have to learn Bulgarian!
Well thanks for visiting my blog and thanks for your comments.
Sleep in tomorrow......... No get up early and go for a run Yes
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