Saturday, May 20, 2023

Hamburg to Lauenburg
May 20

Everyone was totally pumped as we hauled our bikes down the steps of the hotel Terminus and into the busy and crowded street which Bob had aptly named "the War Zone".  Everyone was wearing the tour jersey and we were a real sight.  

First there was the wrestling to get the paniers attached to the bike then there was the swinging your leg over this huge pile of luggage which wants to rear up and wheel away from you. Now you got to push off and get rolling on this incredibly heavy thing.  I think that bike and paniers weigh in at around 60 pounds and I have one of the lighter bikes.  Braking with heavy load and old style center pull rim brakes on Surly is not real precise and with in a few blocks I realized I need to give things a lot more room. However in a few kilometers I have become quite comfortable on the bike and things are working well.  
Getting out of Hamburg was a bit of a maze but Bob had things figured our and in no time we were on the Elbe River bike path and headed south.  

The river trail is very flat and we had nice sunny weather so it was great fun just coasting along.  At about the 28 kms mark we pulled in to a little country cafe which was in an old wind powered wheat grinding mill.  It was a great stop however as we were stopped a nasty wind came up and blew in a bunch of dark gray clouds.  This nasty head wind and gray cold sky would be with us for the rest of the day.  

At about the 42 kms mark we came to a fish and chips shop right on the river.  As it was close to lunch time we stopped for lunch. We had a bunch of fun talking about Fush un Chops.  We didnlinger as the wind was cold. 

A few kms later we came to a forest trail which was about 6 kms long.  It was in the guide book Bob has been following so down the trail we went.  I was certainly glad I had change my tires to 40mm wide tires as this was one of the roughest trails I have ever ridden.  Sharp Rocks poking out of the trail which threw the bike around and a lot of twisted tree roots which gave the bike a real jolt, and then there was  the soft deep sand spots which tried to throw you over.  My shoulders were aching at the end of that trail.

When we came to Lauenburg the town is all cobble stones and a lot of the buildings are posted with signs claiming heritage of 1628.  The hotel we are staying in has one of these signs.  

A great first day and I think I can safely say everyone had a great time but is glad to be in.  





Anonymous said...

After all the drama of the first few days in Hamburg, it was nice to leave the War Zone and the big city behind. A very pleasant ride and really nice accommodations tonight. Glad to get the tour started.

Calgary Ken C.

Agnes Wiechert said...

Caught up on your blog Terry. Terrific pictures posted. While the trail was a bit rough I am sure it was scenic. Ride safe.

Jim said...

Hey Terry. Just got caught up with your adventure. Sounds like the biking part is fun and flying is high drama. Wow. I envy your cool weather and picturesque country side. It is 100 deg here and we are off the road by 9:30. Keep up the good work and enjoy the beer.

Trilogy Jim

Cynthia Owen-Bergland said...

As usual you are an optimistically tough guy