Monday, July 25, 2022

Northfield to Pepin July 25, 2022

 Northfield to Pepin

July 25, 2022

Today was the start of week six of Greg’s Magical Mystery C2C Tour. This is always one of my favorite weeks as there are three major rails to trails rides as well as lots of interesting scenery, and of course being Wisconsin great ice cream. 

I rolled out of St Olaf’s Dorm cafeteria with Ken T.  This morning and as this was only a 69 mile day we were in no hurry.   Greg had also told us that as he had some other stops to make he would not be arriving at the camp until 2:30 Pm at the earliest. 

The first water stop at the 19 mile mark was at the international world headquarters of Cycle America in Cannon Falls.  It is always a fun stop as the local welcoming committee is out handing out cold water and candies. Then around the corner and on to the Cannon Falls bike path which takes you all the way to Red Wing. The bike trail was magnificent. Huge trees provided a wonderful green canopy so it was nice and cool without a hint of a breeze. Not a tree root coming through the pavement. Rolling along was just great.

Red Wing is right on the banks of the Mississippi and home to Red Wing Shoes.  Picnic is in a beautiful park which overlooks the river.  As this was my fourth visit to this park I was really looking forward to it.  In 2014 I sat down in a lawn chair under a shady tree to enjoy my lunch and the next thing I know somebody is poking me and saying that they need to pack the lawn chair.  Everyone has left and picnic is all packed up.   I didn’t fall asleep this year but had a great lunch

With only 30 miles to go there was certainly no hurry and Ken , Bob and I stopped at every overlook to enjoy the view of Lake Pepin.

Once in Pepin we rolled in to the Garden Pub and Grill which is a patio place where we had 23 oz beers before heading off to our camp in the Pepin School.  Arriving at 3:00 pm we rolled up just as the last piece of luggage was unloaded from the trailer.  We were so disappointed to have missed out on helping to unload luggage.

What a perfect day. 

As a side note we are having lasagna tonight for supper Ken and I are heading back to the Garden Pub and Grill for burgers.




Judy Teague said...

What a wonderful day!!!

Agnes said...

Judy stole my line! Seriously, what a great day. Cold beers sound delicious! Ride safe.

Jim said...

Great pictures and cycling accounts. Way to go dodging the bullet with the hail storm. You are missing monsoon storms here.

Anonymous said...

Lake Pepin is where water skiing was invented and apparently they have their own version of the Lock Ness Monster— did you see it?