It was pretty warm when we got up this morning and there was no doubt that it was going to be a scorcher. There was a lot of excitement in the air as everyone was excited about finishing the tour, and going home. However there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that it was still going to be a tough day. There were still two hills to climb and 120 kms to cover.
As I set out I caught Dennis and snapped his picture. Then we rolled down pasted this medieval castle and town which was built in 1536. Jurg and I stopped for a picture but did not go in as we had stopped there last night. It was quite a place and it would have been fun to explore it some more but there was no time.
We rolled down the 12 kms to the first climb and started up. Although it wasn’t the steepest climb on the tour I just had no legs because of yesterdays all out effort. I was sure glad to see the summit some 15 km later. We then rolled down though this amazing canyon. It had to be 400-500 feet deep. Richard stopped the van and crawled out to get a look.
After lunch was the second climb and it was now 37 C. The total climb was 12 kms and I made it up about 6 before I had to stop. I was total done. It took a bout 10 minutes of sitting under a tree before I could continue.
The roll down from the summit to the sea was great. We formed up about 25 kms from the final desitnation for a group ride into Nice as it is a big city. Wilbert the tour leader took us up to this park which over looked the city where we had some champagne and treats before going to the hotel.
It was a great celebration supper in the hotel and lots of speeches and merry making.
Well done Terry!! Thanks for your blog it has made me feel as if I was still on the trip not at home nursing my wounds :( Almost completely recovered now and bike is not broken - phew!
Looks like I missed some good weather on most of the days in the Alps, never mind I will return to do the complete journey from Palermo next year, all being well. The Timbuktu tour is on the horizon before then though.
Have a good journey home to Calgary, I may be passing through there again in Feb on way to skiing in Jasper.
Nice to have met you briefly. Cheers Rob
I have been keeping up with you and enjoying your daily blogs. As Rob said, "Well Done." Have a safe trip home and maybe we will see you in Florida next year.
Terry -
Thanks for your great blog! I've followed it religiously and am feeling a great deal of envy. Have a safe journey home to the land of "eh" and maybe we'll see you on the road again sometime.
Congrat on another successful grand adventury! You sure had your work cut out on many of the days, but ended on a sunny warm day on top of the world. The views were stunning. You and Jurg deserve a big toast for that! Looking forward to our century ride in three weeks!
Terry at last I am able to contact you & add a comment. I had to sign in.
What a great trip. the only good thing about me not doing the the Dix Alps with youse is that I can still do it next year.
You have kept the buzz from Italy going for me, its been bloody cold back here in Aus. It was good riding with you, see you next time
Hi Terry,
there is no place like home.
Thanks, you for the pic I ready got on my USB .
we all enjoy this amazing trip, so lang together that makes us real team.
Last week we got the final crew meeting at Utrecht a city in Holland. We talking and laughing and we all agree this group and crew were Perfect sky box..lol.
Thanks for you everything and i remember you when i heard a tingling again a bottle of wine.
Jaap Kool
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