Viva! Las Vegas
I know that what happens in Vegas stays in Las Vegas, but I thought that I would break that rule, and pass on what is happening. It's not really a rule anyway it's more of just a general guide line. The weather has been a total scorcher here with temperatures approaching 100F. Actually I see that the temperature is currently reading 100F. So we have been up early and getting some rides in. Yesterday we rode out to Red Rock and back it was a great ride. It was just a little over the top being my first ride of the year. There was 20 mile of a relatively gradual up hill to the Red Rock outlook but at a brisk pace. Then it was 30 miles of pace line drills at 35-50 mph. They all know each other and do this route every week so they thought it was easy. Today's ride was 35 miles of hills. However it was done at a much more modest pace and was all in town. My butt isn't sore and looks like all the spin classes, weight lifting and running is going to pay off as I am feeling a bunch better about things than the last few days before I left. And why shouldn't I. I now have TWO rides under my belt before setting off across America.
Here is a picture of Jim and I at the Red Rock Outlook.
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