Offa's Dyke
Bodfari to Prestatyn
September 18 2024
This morning our taxi was waiting to pick us up from the hotel and ferry us back down to the Dyke Path where we had been picked up last night. Judy was not going to walk with us this morning so she stayed with the taxi who transferred the luggage up to Prestatyn.
Naturally the trail headed straight up and it was really steep. I had thought it was going to be a sunny day but instead we had a dark gray cloud cover and 100% humidity. Naturally we took a wrong turn half way up the first hill and wound up walking around the hill side looking for the trail. Ken had his Garmin out and we were back on track.
Lost notwithstanding we made pretty good time for the first big lump in the route and within a couple of hours we were 4 miles into the trail. This put us at the top of the first big hill and we were facing a really steep down hill. Fortunately the trail had a lot of turns, and the path had dried considerably so the down hill wasn't so bad.
The second big hill was right in front of us and we powered up it over the next hour which put us at lunch time so we sat down to eat the snacks we have been accumulating in our pack. By now the sun has burned off the heavy gray clouds and we have a bright blue sky.
After the second big hill we ran into what seemed like and endless bunch of stiles. Some were easy and some were really high and hard to get you foot over. There were places were you climbed over one crossed the road and climbed a second one. Then there were the stone ones where there was about four stone steps and a really high stone you had to clear to get over the top. All these stiles just killed our pace.
By now we could see Prestatyn and we were hot to get in but there was what seemed like a lot of miles, hills and stiles to climb. So by the time we got down to the Nova center (kind of a community rec center) which is right on the ocean and the end of the Offa's Dyke trail, we were tired but happy. Putting the last stamp on my Offa's Dyke passport was great.
Off to the airport and home in the morning.
Another great adventure in the books.