Monday, September 16, 2024

 Offa's Dyke 

Llangollen to Clwyd Gate

September 16, 2024

Last night Judy found a sporting goods store in Llangollen which opened at 9:00 am this morning.  As a bit of background to this Judy's hiking boots blew out on her on day one of this trip and she has been walking in tennis shoes this whole time.  I cannot believe what a trouper she is. Her feet were wet and cold but never complained for one second.  So Judy was off at 9:00 am sharp to get new hiking boots. This enabled us to have second and third coffees at the Squirrel B&B.  Dave from the Squirrel was driving our luggage ahead to Clwyd's Gate and he said jump in and we rode with him up to Llandegla.  This put us 8.3 miles up the road and passed the biggest hill.  It also gave us an easy day of only 6.2 miles to the pick up spot.  

It was by far the nicest weather of the trip today with just a hint of a breeze and temperatures close to 70 F.  The views along the path were spectacular.  Judy was dancing around in her new shoes and there was a real joyous mood.  Such a contrast from the other day slogging down muddy paths in the pouring rain and howling wind.  

We stopped at a bench which over looked the valley below and ate some snacks for our lunch.  Nobody was hungry as we had had such a huge breakfast at the Squirrel not that long ago.  The view and the sun were just so great.  

It wasn't long before we got to the pickup spot and I phoned the Druid Inn to come pick us up.  Sam answered on the first ring and promised to be there in 10 minutes.  She whipped us up to the Druid and we sat in the patio out front enjoying a pint and the sun.

The Druid Inn is a quaint little inn out in the country so we will eat here tonight.  A lot of people poo poo English food, but I have to say that we have eaten like kings on this trip.  The food has been spectacular everywhere we have been.  Maybe its Welsh food which has been so good.  

A shorter day but a great day and the weather for the next couple look good.  



Martin said...

Sounds like a great day!

Anonymous said...

Clear blue skies and grand views. Love the beer.