Friday, July 3, 2015

July 3, 2015

Rest Day in Castlegar

The campground in Castlegar is absolutely beautiful.  We have a wonderful site to spread out in and with great grass to put tents on.   This peace and tranquility was not the scene last night as about 10:00 Pm a domestic fight broke out from one of the campers.  Yelling screaming, vehicles roaring around.  Finally the entertainment was broken up with the arrival of the police.  The story revolved around a man who was out camping with his girlfriend who was his son’s wife (daughter inlaw).  His ex-wife and son arrived and then fireworks started. 

I lay in bed until 8:00 Am.  It was great.  A quick breakfast, and we were off to do chores.  We got groceries for the week, washed clothes and washed the van. 

Back at the campground we went down to the beach.  It was so wonderful just sitting enjoying the wonderful park.  It was so peace and quiet. We pretty much had the place to ourselves.  I don’t know when I have had a more relaxing day off.

Today is Ken’s birthday so we are going off to the Lion’s Head Pub and Steak House.  It is situated right below a huge out crop of rock which looks like a lion’s head.   We also have chocolate truffle cake in the cooler for later.



  1. Looks like you got the Friday night entertainment on Thursday! Scenery looks wonderful. Chocolate truffle cake sounds yummy. Happy 39th birthday Ken!!and many, many more 39ths!
    Coming into the home stretch, Ride safe everyone.

  2. Sounds like some of that potent BC Bud may have had an influence on the love triangle, or was it a love square? You can't pay for that kind of entertainment. Say HB to Ken. Howard

  3. i seriously cannot believe the uphill grinds you are doing! i am heading out for a 65miler. an easy day for you beautiful photos!
